AOPA online seminar: Introduction to European aircraft maintenance for pilots and owners
The seminar takes place online from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. A good WiFi connection and a tablet or computer with a webcam or smartphone are required to participate.
Although a pilot and aircraft owner may release certain maintenance tasks under European maintenance law via pilot-owner maintenance, the maintenance of aircraft is neither part of the LAPL, nor PPL syllabus. The aircraft owner has to find his way through the jungle of European maintenance regulations independently and gather his information.
The seminar “Introduction to European aircraft maintenance for pilots and owners” introduces you to the basics of European maintenance law.
- Structure of European maintenance law, particularly with regard to Part-ML and Part-66
- Type of European Maintenance Organizations (Part-M Subpart f, CAO, CAMO, Part 145)
- Concepts and terms related to maintenance, repair and airworthiness
- Maintenance documentation, ARC, CRS, Form 1, Form 123
- Structure and content of maintenance programs
- Structure and content of maintenance files, operating times overview, AD overview, change list
- Concept and scope of pilot owner maintenance
- https://aopa.de/event/online-seminar-introduction-to-european-aircraft-maintenance-for-pilots-and-owners-on-january-23rd-2022/
- info@aopa.de
- +49(6103)42081
- Online
- AOPA-Germany
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- Seminar